Thursday, January 21, 2016

Santa Maria del Pi and Picasso

We started the day by revisiting Santa Maria de Pi, the pine tree church, to see the inside.




At this church, instead of the inferno, we have purgatory.



And triumph.



We enjoyed a bright, beautiful day, even if it was a bit chilly out of the sun.



We walked up Las Ramblas to the Placa Catalunya.



Strolling on Passeig de Gràcia is always pleasant.  It's the high rent area of Barcelona, where you find expensive shopping and amazing architecture.



These are both reasonable reactions to finding a McDonald's in the middle of the poshest street in Barcelona.

[gallery ids="1368,1367" type="rectangular"]


Even the street lights are classy.



In the afternoon, we visited the Picasso museum in El Born.  It has many of his earliest works.  You know, the stuff with faces that look like faces.  Of course, you can't take pictures there, so I'm going to just grab two of my faves with google.


This is called Waiting.  Her eyes would not let me go.


I love artist self portraits.


This was done in 1896 when the artist was only 15 years old.

We ended a very pleasant day with tapas at a nice restaurant in El Born, near the museum.

I may just forget about coming back to the states.