Friday, January 8, 2016

D20 - The Beach Bus

Today we took the D20 bus (forevermore the "beach bus") from the stop directly across the street.  We used the same metro ticket as the trains, and after a scenic 25 minute ride, we arrived at Barceloneta Beach.


Depending on who's counting, there are anywhere from 4 to 10 beaches in Barcelona, though everyone agrees that they border about 2 3/4 miles of the Mediterranean.   The beaches are clean white sand.  We saw no litter or garbage whatsoever.  There's no shortage of showers and facilities, and there's a wide stone paved walkway at the edge of the beach opposite the water for those who just enjoy strolling.  There is also some fun art, like the fish.


The weather at the beach was perfection, sunny and around 70.  We both got some pink in our faces.  We walked and walked and finally stopped for a tasty lunch of pasta salad and a shrimp scampi kind of dish, with just a little pitcher of sangria.  Really.  It was little.


We're back at the apartment now, and I'm still in my short sleeve shirt, writing this on the back terrace to get out of the hot sun.

I noticed something crazy on my phone earlier today.  Both Endicott and Barcelona were at the same temperature, 19 degrees.  Well, it is winter in both places.

Now, I'm tired.  Sun and sangria will do that.  I'll end with a picture of a Barcelona sunset from our front terrace.


Makes the nondescript building across the street look almost heavenly.