Tuesday, January 19, 2016

All Present and Accounted For

All the travelers survived and overcame the late takeoffs and lost luggage and all the many joys of flying.   The first order of business was, of course, eating.



Here's my sis cruising by our bakery on her hog.

Yesterday, we all went to the beach, Rebecca, Rita, Rudy,  Mary and I.



It still seems a little surreal that everyone is together here in Spain.  After a good night of sleep, today we're off on a tour of the old city.


This is Santa María del Pi, built in the 14th century.  There has always been an evergreen tree, like the one in this picture, near the church, which is dedicated to Our Lady of the Pine Tree.




Further into the old city is Plaça Sant Felip Neri



The square was alive with children because there's a school there, but, there's extra significance to their presence.  During the Spanish civil war, this square was bombed, and most of the injured were children.  After enough time for emergency help to arrive, the square was bombed again.  The extensive damage was repaired, though scars remain.  Now, having children play here again is important.  They are a living memorial.


You can clearly see the damage here.



The rougher portion of this wall is where it was rebuilt.



In this square is the church Gaudi attended, and it's said that he may have been the model for the statue.

We continued on, exploring some of the remains of the Roman wall that surrounded the city when its name was still Barcino.


These two towers were the entrance to the city.


Near the cathedral is the longest stretch of the wall still standing.  You can see further excavations at its base.

Two final pics from a very enjoyable day of touring.

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No idea what tomorrow holds.  Just glad all arrived safely.