Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Apartamento EntranceWe found the apartment with airbnb, which is very popular in Barcelona.  This is the entrance.  I already mentioned the steps, but today I counted how many floors there are.  First, 1 1/2 that appear to be dedicated to maintenance and services for the whole building.  Then five floors of apartments.  Then the atico apartment.  Then ours, sobre atico.  I'm not sure how they came up with such a complicated naming system, but when I add them all up, there are 8 1/2 flights of steps.  You can avoid 6 of them if you take the elevator, but recognizing the ever present temptation of the bakeries, we've been using the steps as much as possible.

Looking at the TerracesHere's a view of the terraces from the street.  We actually have two terraces, one at either end of the apartment.




Two MsJust down the block there are two kinds of M's, one for the metro and the other for you know what.





Collblanc Metro StationOur station is Collblanc.  From here we can get within walking distance of pretty much anyplace in the city.




20160102_013529.jpgThis is a view from the front terrace.

Today was a mellow, down-key sort of day.  Cool and windy, but sunny.  We went for a nice long walk in the area where I got lost, and now I feel better oriented.

So far, we've just been exploring our pueblo, Hospitalet, which is pretty much a bedroom community for Barcelona.

Tomorrow we ride the trains.