Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Roscon de Reyes and the Market

Today, this was the line at our bakery!

Out the Door at Our Bakery

Everyone was out shopping for the Roscon de Reyes.  It's a cake used to celebrate Epiphany.  We decided not to get one because it looked like a lot for just two people, but I bet it's a really fun celebration with a family.

We also made another trip to the amazing Mercat Collblanc which is right across the street.  This big building houses a huge market with vendors selling all kinds of things to eat.

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Pictures can't do it justice.  For a sense of scale, there were at least 20 meat vendors like the one above, some larger.  At least a dozen seafood and fish vendors, and that many more vegetable vendors.  As well as olives, spices, and most everything else you might want to eat (and some I'd be afraid to try).  Also several cafes.  Surrounding the market are other buildings with vendors selling clothing and household goods.  Around that is a large open pedestrian area with more shops, restaurants, and (surprise!), bakeries.

We can live well here without ever leaving the neighborhood.