Thursday, January 14, 2016

A Former Factory and Faded Glory

Well, for us it's the "beach bus," but for many it's the "to and from work bus."

The D20 was packed on the way home yesterday, and even if you knew nada de español, you could easily make out the word "sardines."

I think we'll avoid the D20 around rush hour.

Today we took the bus (not at rush hour) to Placa de Espanyol at the foot Montjuïc.   The square is impressive, but too noisy for our tastes.  We hiked up the hill looking for interesting stuff, and found this.


I thought it was a train station with a very imaginative canopy, but it's actually the entrance to a museum and performing arts center called the Caixa Forum.


It was built in 1911 as a textile factory.  Like some other historic buildings, it was remodeled into a museum.


The modern entrance was added in 2002.   Here you can see the contrast between the original building and the contemporary addition.


Here's a little more detail showing the original construction.

And, of course, Barcelona loves towers.



Further up the hill we found the main site of the 1992 Olympics.  Here's the torch.

[gallery ids="739,738" type="rectangular"]

And here's a video of it being lighted.


The guy lighting the torch with his arrow reminds me of a favorite Gary Larson cartoon.

[caption id="attachment_795" align="alignnone" width="500"]roger Roger Screws Up[/caption]


I bet the archer at the torch lighting worried about screwing up.  One other question comes to mind:  if he missed the torch, where would the arrow have landed?

This tower was one of the symbols of the '92 Olympics.


You can see it from all over the city.

The stadium is still used for concerts and sporting events.


This statue is high up on the main building that overlooks the main square.



This is the main square outside of the stadium.


At one time, in its glory days, this was one of the most desirable places in the world to be.

It's very quiet now.