Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year's Day in Hospitalet

mary at bcnAs I mentioned, things will work out.  During checkin I was able to choose new seats, this time together.  And we were gifted with TSA Pre boarding passes.  And the takeoff was only delayed a little.  And the food was actually pretty good.  AND...they had a pretty decent complimentary red wine, which they served and served again in generous portions.   Shortly after takeoff we toasted the new year as it happened in Barcelona.

We arrived on-time at 6:30 am in Spain.  Exhausted.  I practiced speaking some Spanish with the cab driver, then with our hostess, the owner of the apartment.  So far, so good.

Paulina, my friend from Mallorca, warned me about New Year’s Day.  Barcelona will be a “ciudad fantasma,” a ghost town.  We wandered around exploring the neighborhood, finding supermarkets and phone stores and banks and basically everything we’ll need in easy walking distance.  Almost everything is closed, except for the bakeries.

You know how in some cities it seems there’s a Starbucks on every block?  Here there’s a bakery, maybe 2 or 3, on every block.  And they’re all open on New Year’s Day.  Here, baking bread and pastries is an essential, 247 service, like putting out fires.  Makes sense to me.

As I write this, Mary is falling asleep beside me, as I did lying across her lap a few minutes ago.  Tomorrow is a busy day.  Time to get some real sleep, not the zombie kind on the plane.