Friday, January 15, 2016


20160113_225538.jpgToday we met my online Spanish teacher, Noelia, at Placa de Catalunya for a walk around the city.  We had a great time, and Barcelona seemed much more accessible with her help.  We didn't get lost once!  Plus, I spoke more Spanish yesterday than ever.  I made plenty of mistakes, of course, but Noelia corrected gently, and I felt encouraged to continue speaking.

We visited Eixample, Bario Gotico, the port, and I don't even remember all other places.  Honestly, having a conversation in Spanish, takes 100% of my concentration, and I miss a lot of the other things going on around me.

I did take a bunch of pics, though.

Thank you so much, Noelia, for guiding us through so much of the city.  We thoroughly enjoyed it!



This is Casa Batlló, a home designed by Gaudi.

It seems so playful to me.  The window decorations are intended to look like masks.












Casa Batlló is on the Block of Discord, named because of the competing and perhaps discordant visions of moderniste architecture to be found side-by-side here.

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It's not a long walk to the Cathedral of Barcelona.



The church was open, and magnificent on the inside as well.

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Noelia and I went to the church roof the easy way.  The elevator was easy, but ugly and anachronistic.  This is one of the spires seen from the roof.














The cloister was also open, and yes, those are geese.  They make sure the cloister is not entirely peaceful.

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Although we didn't hear it played, the church organ was impressive.  I especially loved the statue of Charlie Parker that's carved on the side.

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It's no longer the main train station, but still, another impressive glass and iron building, much like the El Born CC.


Finally, a few miscellaneous images from our walk.

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Ready for our next adventure.


Café con leche, anyone?