Sunday, February 21, 2016


Montserrat is famed as a place of calm spirituality, but our tour on Monday started as anything but.  There were two main reasons.  First, Barcelona has about 100,000 extra visitors this week for the global mobile phone convention.  Second, the metro is on strike.  Not completely, just minimal service.

So, we started an hour early for a trip that should have taken half that time.  And we didn't make it.  But they waited for us.  So, we did the tour, but only after much running and cursing.

The weather was iffy when we arrived.

But what an inspiring site.

Montserrat is a Catalan term meaning "serrated mountain."  There are little chapels tucked away among the serrations.

The main site is a little village.  There's the abbey, hotels, museums, and stores.

The most important is the abbey, of course.

This is the famous black madonna.

This statue of St. George is by the same Catalan sculptor who did the passion facade at Sagrada Familia.

To get around on these rugged mountains there are funiculars.  This is the one Mary and I took up to the top.  It's not far from vertical.

Here are the works on which you bet your life.

I took tons of pics, but this video is better.

Once at the top, there are paths all over the mountain.  We followed one toward a distant chapel.

There are lots of shallow caves,

and beautiful details.

We continued up the mountain until we finally reached the ancient chapel.

Sadly, this little chapel is locked and abandoned.

Our tour also included dinner and wine tasting at a nearby castle.  I'll save that for a later post.