Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Las Arenas Mall

We finally got around to visiting Las Arenas, the former bullring turned shopping mall.  I expected, well, a bullring, cleaned and scrubbed, stores added, etc.  Las Arenas is not that.


It's at Placa Espanya, a very busy section of the city.


Like so many things in Barcelona, it's an unlikely mix of old and new.  The entire bullring was raised one level, and a huge, modern, upscale mall built under, over, and inside the space.


[gallery ids="2081" type="rectangular"]

Here you can see the support for the bullring, which is now mainly a facade.

Inside, the old bullring is barely visible.


I never did get a good count of how many floors there are.  At least 6.


There are escalators all the way to the roof observation deck.



Great views of the city from this altitude.



This is part of the infrastructure of the mall, with a permanent fixed crane, and what looks like the hvac system.



All parts of the building are served by emergency staircases.



I was very impressed by the engineering, which is all visible and makes the entire structure look like an immense modern sculpture.


[gallery ids="2080,2073,2072,2083,2079" type="rectangular"]


One last pic from the observation deck.  I felt like a voyeur taking it, but at the top is a penthouse apartment not far from Las Arenas.


I especially like the infinity pool that fades into the skyline of Barcelona.

I'd like to try being rich for awhile.  Looks like fun.