Monday, February 15, 2016

A Day at the Park

Everyone here agrees we've had unusually great weather in Barcelona since we arrived, and yesterday was maybe the best so far, 72 and mostly sunny.  We're just back from a few days in Valencia, and on Monday we're taking a day trip to Gerona, so we're relaxing on the days between.  Today we went to Citadel Park.

The warm weather brought out droves of people, especially kids.

The city is celebrating both Chinese New Year and the feast days of one of the city's two patron saints,  Eulalia.   With so many people in the park, we avoided the famous zoo, though we did discover this behemoth in the wild, outside of the zoo.

In an earlier post I described how Barcelona fell to a siege and the citadel was built to keep control over the rebellious citizens.  Later most of the hated citadel was razed by bombardment from Montjuic.  The park replaced the citadel, though a few buildings were saved and are still in use.  One is home to the Catalan Parliament.

The trees in front are sycamores, in orderly rows around the three buildings.

They have been carefully pruned for years.

I don't usually like formal gardening, but I enjoyed these sycamores.

The park is full of sculpture.  These guard one of the gates.

The large fountain is home to more sculpture.

The fountain is dominated by this charioteer.

Monday we head for Girona and the coast!